XELA Money™ 杰赉™理財坊
Sep 22, 2012
Sep 3, 2012
Aug 15, 2012
List of Countries that circulating Polymer Banknote
Polymer Banknotes are currently fully replaced traditional paper notes in seven countries, which
include Australia, Brunei, New Zealand, Romania, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam and
- Australia (Circulation : Since 1992, 1996 – Full Set Denominations) [Commemorative : 2001 January 1st – A$5 Centenary of Federation]
- Brunei (Circulation : February 1996 – 1 Ringgit, 5 Ringgit, 10 Ringgit, June 2007 – Full Set Denominations)
- New Zealand (Circulation : 1999 May 3rd - $20, July 26th - $100, October 18th - $5, $10, 2000 March 20th - $50)
- Romania (Circulation : Since 1999, 2001 – Full Set Denominations, July 2005 – Second Generation of Full Set Denominations, 2008 December 1st – 10 Lei)
- Papua New Guinea (Circulation : November 2003 – 20 Kina, 2005 – 100 Kina, 2008 April 15th – 5 Kina, 10 Kina) [Commemorative : June 1991 – 2 Kina]
- Vietnam (Circulation Since December 2003, August 2006 – Full Set Denominations) [Commemorative : 2001 – 50 Dong]
- Bermuda (Circulation : 2009 March 3rd )
Jun 11, 2011
Jun 6, 2011
Public Singapore Equity Fund (PSGEF)
Public Singapore Equity Fund (PSGEF) is seeks to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term period. The fund is focusing in investing in a diversified portfolio of Singapore equities, such as banking and finance, properties and REITs, consumer, offshore and marine engineering groups, services and commodity sectors. The fund may invest up to 30% of its NAV in domestic and global markets to achieve increased diversification. The equity exposure of PSGEF is generally ranges from 75% to 98% of its NAV.
- Suitable for investors with AGGRESSIVE risk appetite
- Suitable for investors who wish to hedge on currency exposure by nonparticipating in the potential appreciation of S$.
- Promotion period ended on 27 June 2011, with special offer SC as low as 5%of initial issue price per unit.
Nov 19, 2010
Public South-East Asia Select Fund Distribution Pay Check Received
I had received the pay check from Public Mutual for the purpose of Public South-East Asia Select Fund Distribution. This is the very first distribution declaration for PSEASF since it launched on 2 October 2007 . This distribution is for the Final financial year which ended on 31 October 2010, and the payment date was on 15 November 2010.
According to The Edge-Lipper Fund Table dated 18 October 2010, PSEASF have generated 21.97% (1-year returns) for the period ended 8 October 2010.
The Gross Distribution is at 1.00 Sen per Unit, and the Net Distribution is at 0.8146 Sen per Unit. The Total Returns is at 5.77Sen per Unit.
As for the changes in NAV, the PSEASF’s NAV before this distribution was at 0.2815 per unit. However, the NAV had been reduced to 0.2733 per Unit after the declaration of the distribution.
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Money Matter,
Saving n Investment,
Nov 16, 2010
Public Islamic Alpha-40 Growth Fund ( PIA40GF )
Public Mutual is lunching a brand new fund named Public Islamic Alpha-40 Growth Fund on 16 November 2010. The fund is intended to invest in 40 choice stocks and build a nest for capital growth. It is also aim to achieve capital growth by investing in up to a maximum of 40 stocks which comply with Sharish requirements, achieve increased diversification in which the fund may invest up to 30% of its NAV in selected foreign markets which include Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Indonesia, The Philippines and other markets. The equity exposure is generally range from 75% TO 98% of its Net Asset Value (NAV).
PIA40GF is suitable for investors with Aggressive Risk-Reward temperament. The initial issue price is on RM 0.25 per unit during offer period which begins on 16 November 2010 to 6 December 2010. Investors may also entitle to enjoy Special Services Charge Offers accordingly to their Investment Amount per Transaction.
- 5.00% Service Charge for RM10000 and above per Transaction
- 5.25% Service Charge for RM5000 to RM 9999 per Transaction
- 5.25% Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) submitted during Offer Period, as long as the Direct Debit is Active.
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Sep 5, 2010
Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 ( ASW 2020 ) 2010 Distributions 2020宏願基金 2010 年份股息
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ASW2020 ( Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 ) had announced Distributions for the Year ended 31 August 2010 at the rate on 6.35 Sen / Unit. In order words, the Distribution Yields is on 6.35% (Based on unit price RM 1.00 / Unit). Distributions rate for this year have increased 0.05 Sen / Unit. However, personally I have noticed that the Distribution Yields for ASW2020 is seemed to be in downward trend. Well, it is understood that all unit trusts fund performances are basically very dependent to the economic environment and the equities performances around the world. But at the same time also, everyone should agreed that the Asia-pacific countries and also Malaysia’s Equities were flying high within the past year. Perhaps, it is because of the possible giant profits still in ‘Paper- Gain Status’, yet unable to reflect in this Distributions’ announcement.
Couple of weeks ago, PM of Malaysia announced that the world 2nd taller building will be rooted on Malaysia’s land. Soon, it is confirmed that ASNB’s Unit Trusts Investment Funds will not be touched to support the construction of Asia Coming Highest Building. As an investor, such confirmation message carried positive meaning to secure our mind. However, personally I hope also our future distribution yields will not be affected at all in whatever kind of possible impact from such a giant construction project.
No matter how, ASW 2020 is still an attractive Unit trusts Fund for anyone to invest. The main reason is simply because of the unit price of the fund is still fixed on RM 1.00 / Unit. And this make investors need no to worry about to face any losses in whatever possible economic environment.
2020宏願基金發股息了。今年的股息被定為 6。35 仙 / 單位 。若以每單位平均價格1令吉計算﹐ 此次拍發的股息就相等與6。35%的回報率。此次拍發的股息雖然比去年多了0。05仙﹐ 但若跟以往相比﹐我們不難發現2020宏願基金的回報率似乎有向下調整的趨勢。當然﹐如果說是大環境所逼﹐那也是理所當然。但是﹐在過去的一年內﹐我們看到的是股市大幅度騰飛﹐尤其是大馬股市及亞太區域的股市。或許是獲利還沒被兌現﹐而導致身為投資者的我們只能得到比去年多0。05仙的原故吧﹗
聽說世界第2高大廈即將在大馬落地﹐ 所有ASNB基金的投資將不會被動用到來支撐這摩天大樓的興建。這樣的保證對資金投資者來說是正面的。 但我更希望將來基金的回報率不會被牽制。
無論如何﹐ 2020宏願基金還是值得被鼓勵投資的。畢竟直至今日﹐此基金的單位價還是被定位在1令吉/單位﹐ 從而免去了價位上下波動的風險。
Financial Year Ended 31 August Tahun Kewangan Berakhir 31 Ogos | |||||
Year Tahun | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
Distribution (Sen/Unit) Pengagihan Pendapatan (Sen/Unit) | 6.35 | 6.30 | 7.00 | 8.00 | 6.80 |
KLIBOR 3-Months (%) 3-Bulan (%) | 2.97 | 2.16 | 3.63 | 3.57 | 3.22 |
ASW 2020 Averaged Annualized Returns Purata Pulangan Tahunan bagi ASW 2020 | |||
YEAR(s) Tahun | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Averaged Annualized Return (%) | 6.35 | 6.55 | 6.89 |
KLIBOR 3-Months (%) 3-Bulan (%) | 2.97 | 2.92 | 3.11 |
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